Why do we take care of our appearance? In this journal, we discuss the rise in popularity of aesthetic treatments and ask why do we take care of our appearance?
There are several beauty rules that are often quoted to support the myth of universal beauty.
Symmetry. It is often argued that symmetry provides us with the ideal standard. Historically, a face that typifies the perfect proportions of the perfect heart shape is believed to be one of the most aesthetically appealing.
High cheekbones. Combined with a slim face and a dainty jawline and chin, these are said to be the gold standard to which we all aspire, according to some beauty experts.
Indeed, since Ancient Greece, the golden ratio – or phi – is believed to have held the key to true beauty, typically the length of the head (top of the head to the chin) divided by the width should equal 1.618.
Non-surgical treatment can recreate the same sought-after appearance of those perfect ratios – and for men, they can redefine their jawlines and cheekbones to give them a more chiselled appearance.
However, beauty in the twenty-first centre doesn’t need to play by those rules. When it comes to enhancing your appearance with non-surgical aesthetic treatments, our approach to your bespoke treatment plan is as individual as your face.
This fresh approach to refreshing your looks with our range of cosmetic procedures lies at the heart of how we can best achieve the optimum results to suit you.
Essentially, beauty comes from within. Each one of us has a unique profile that can be enhanced and it is this approach to treatments that opens our minds to healthy aesthetic treatment choices.
Once considered the preserve of the rich and famous, aesthetic treatments are now much more accessible and affordable, with the rise of non-invasive aesthetic procedures seemingly unstoppable.
Our desire for less invasive procedures is reflected in the number of us turning our backs on the doors of plastic surgeons in a move to seek more natural results.
Designed to respond to the client of today who requires minimal recovery after a procedure, non-invasive techniques can be done under local anaesthesia with lower risks and far less down time.
The ‘new’ you can be created in as little time as a lunch break. Immediate results and next to no recovery time.
Take time to choose the ideal medical practitioner and think about your appearance. It is important that you are well informed and have your expectations well managed by your chosen aesthetic practitioner.
Although the benefits of anti-ageing treatments can be immense in restoring confidence and promoting a general sense of wellbeing, they still carry a risk of side effects. It is important to seek a practitioner who has medical training and experience in delivering your chosen treatment.
An in-depth consultation is essential. A trusted practitioner will take a medical history and discuss all your options with you, along with the consent procedure, pricing and the ‘cooling off’ period should you change your mind.
Lines are often blurred between marketing and impartial, independent advice, which is why we suggest you use a government-approved register.
At Intrigue Cosmetic Clinic, we aim to help you recapture a more youthful and enhance your natural appearance, creating the best version of you to boost self-confidence because renewed confidence in our appearance has an important part to play in successful aesthetic outcomes.
Most importantly, those treatments we offer have excellent safety profiles due to years of in-depth clinical research, trialling and global use.
Our clinic is a featured on Whatclinic.com and is rated five stars with over 150 verified reviews, giving our clients further confidence that they are putting their face in safe hands. Save your face from harm and choose Intrigue Cosmetic Clinic.
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